Hi Guys,
This is something that I have been doing a bit of research on the last little while. I have super sensitive skin and probably don’t look after it as well as I should. It could be said that I neglect my skin 😉 I am a bit of a label reader and so part the reason I neglect my skin, well apart from being a bit lazy is because I hate turning the bottle over to find that I can’t even pronounce half the ingredients let alone know why they are there and what they are doing for my skin! I do have a good brand that I do use and like but well Thermy just got a whole new use!
We are off to Malaysia for a big family holiday next month so my skin is getting a re-vamp in order to be bather ready! after hours and hours of trawling through the world wide web there was a few products that just kept popping up in all the recipes I could find. So I had a bit of a play around and this is what I have come up with.
50g Almonds Raw and Skin on.
50g Oat’s
20g Avocado Oil]
20g Honey
Approx 3 tablespoons Natural Organic Yoghurt.
- Add Almonds to the TM and blitz till fine – Start at slowly and work the speed up to speed 6. Should take about 30 – 40 seconds. You don’t want them too fine as they work to ex-foliate as well.
- Add remaining ingredients, but only add 2 tablespoons of yoghurt at this stage. Set lid to closed position and turbo 2 or 3 times to mix all the ingredients together.
- Check consistency. It should be a creamy, add another spoon of yoghurt if you think it needs it.
- Test a spot of the scrub first to make sure you don’t get a reaction.
- Use a small amount and scrub skin.
- Leave for 5 – 10 minutes then rinse off.