Tag Archives: berry
Lady Kisses 003

Lemon Shortbread with Berry Vanilla Cream – Ladies Kisses

Ok, I just couldn’t resist.  I saw these biscuits on another blog and I have finally succumbed to temptation and made these little babies on the weekend.  They look fantastic and are a tasty little treat.  As the title suggests, they are called Ladies Kisses, but the best way to describe them is that they […]

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Berry Nice Buttermilk Muffins1

Berry-Nice Buttermilk Muffins

After going  to Tenina’s class the other night, then seeing cream on sale, I decided to do a batch of butter.  The cream was on sale, the butter wasn’t, so TMX saved the day and the wallet!  The fantastic by-product of making your own butter in the TMX, is the Buttermilk – BONUS!!!! I found a recipe on […]

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