Tag Archives: fruit

Fruit Filled Scrolls

  Question: What do you make when you want something nice for afternoon tea and have almost not butter (or cream to make butter), no eggs and next to no milk (ok ok – there was enough for coffee, but I wasn’t giving that up!)? Answer: You get your creative hubby to use the Thermovixen […]

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Baby Breaky Oats

Hi Guys, Here are some of my tried and true baby basics. They are so easy and the cooked porridge can be frozen. I used to do a batch and use one and freeze the rest and then just take one out before bed at night ready for the next morning. To warm I would […]

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Orange Slushy

Hey Guys, This is one of our household favorites. The kids love it and it’s beautiful mixed with something alcoholic for the Vixen’s! Champagne is my chosen and it’s oh so good! Navel oranges are almostĀ in season, a good price and super sweet and juicy Also grab the navel if you can as they are […]

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