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whoopie pies001

Whoopie!!!!!……..It’s Whoopie Pies

Well, if you are a fan of trashy American TV, then you are bound to have heard them mention Whoopie Pies.  I had never seen one, nor eaten one until I found this random article online about how Whoopie Pies were the new “in” thing in Perth and had replaced Macarons as the “it” thing to make.  Apparently, Perth […]

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Monkey Bread_3

Cinnamon Monkey Bread

Sometimes, you draw inspiration from people around you.  I recently met a couple of lovely ladies, and one of them asked if I had ever made Monkey Bread and done the conversion for TMX.  The truth was, I had no idea what she was talking about, but she seemed really excited about it, and it made […]

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Apricot Danish_9

Apricot Danish

The local Green Grocer sometimes has boxes of mixed fruit for $10.  Most of the time, its the last of everything, nothing impressive and lots of bruises and brown bits.  But this time, the jam packed boxes caught my eye.  They were overflowing with plums, apples and heaps of small apricots.  When I got it […]

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Confessions of a Gingerbread House.

Firstly Merry Christmas! So this is a story, about a brilliant gingerbread recipe and a horrible gingerbread house construction! In our family we have a bit of a tradition that each year we have a Christmas Gingerbread House. On boxing day we all sit down and rip that baby apart. I love it! I also […]

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Poppyseed and Lemon Biscuits wih lemon sugar01

Poppyseed and Lemon Biscuits with Lemon Sugar

These little babies are a Donna Hay creation and I have done the conversion for TMX.  They looked great in her picture……..and then I made them in the Thermomix, and now I can confirm – They are GREAT! The flavour is subtle but delicious, the lemon sugar tops the biscuit off perfectly and makes them just a […]

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Lady Kisses 003

Lemon Shortbread with Berry Vanilla Cream – Ladies Kisses

Ok, I just couldn’t resist.  I saw these biscuits on another blog and I have finally succumbed to temptation and made these little babies on the weekend.  They look fantastic and are a tasty little treat.  As the title suggests, they are called Ladies Kisses, but the best way to describe them is that they […]

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Prince William Biscuit Cake

Prince Williams Wedding Biscuit Cake

Hi Guys, Hope everyone enjoyed the Royal Wedding extravaganza! We LOVED it! It inspired me to convert Prince Williams favorite treat which he had made into a wedding cake. Shhh don’t tell William but it has a striking resemblance to hedgehog. But this week we are all Royal and fancy so no ‘hedgehog’ around here! […]

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