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Pull Apart Bread Tips

So we have had some questions about how to construct a pull apart loaf.  You can find the Thermomix recipe here on the Recipe Community and basically you can use any bread recipe you like.  The real questions are about what it means to assemble it in a concertina fashion. So, what does that actually mean? […]

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Tapenade Cream 002

Tapenade Cream and other life changing events

I have had my TMX for 7 months now, and during that time, my whole world has changed.  I have been uncomfortable with my weight for a long time.  Lets face it, as the years went on, my body took the hits.  Two kids in 2 years left me feeling like a kangaroo – I seemed […]

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Roasted Capsicum, Onion and Garlic Salsa

Roasted Capsicum, Onion and Garlic Salsa  We have a couple of sure fire winners in our house. You know those meals you fall back on when you know the little people in your house love them? And one of them is Mexican. Ruby is a nacho’s freak! And they will eat anything wrapped in a pita, […]

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