Green Juice

Yum! And soooo good for you 🙂

Hi Guys,


So I love a good green juice. However unlike my darling hubby i need it to be really smooth to be able to drink them! He could pretty much drink them when there so thick you need a spoon… Anyway I always make sure mine are really smooth and thinned out with the water. Good way to get a good cup of water in too 🙂


This is one a friend told me the other night so i am “borrowing it” for now! Miss Ruby who is almost 5 loves this and we have had it each day for the past few days. She even asked for a second one today. Mr Jasper (2) not as convinced…yet!


I love this recipe as it’s really simple and you can just do enough for one. For two or more just double this recipe. I have been doubling it the last couple of days 🙂 You could also switch the Kale for some baby spinach if you prefer.


All the ingredients all ready to go.



1/2 Green Apple (Cored)

4 Strawberries (Washed and you can leave the tops on!)

1 Leaf of Kale (I usually take the stalk off.)

1/2 glass of Ice

1/2 Glass of Cold Water (Use the glass that you will serve it in. Or roughly 160g.)



1. Place all the ingredients EXCEPT the water into the TM bowl and blitz on speed 9 for 45 seconds.

2. Once it reaches 45 seconds without stopping the TM pour the water onto the lid and let it drizzle in. Continue to mix on speed 9 until it roughly reaches 1 minute in total.

3. Serve and drink immediately.



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