St. Patricks Day Cocktail

Ah top of the morning to you!


Happy St. Patricks Day!!! To celebrate I wanted to get something green up onto the blog for everyone. To be honest I had forgotten that it was St. Pat’s day today till this morning. What better way to celebrate then a good midday cocktail right?

So I had some frozen coconut milk in the freezer so I went the traditional Midori and Vodka route. It is yummy!



180ml Midori ( roughly 3 shots)

60ml Vodka

150ml Pineapple Juice

1  x tray of frozen coconut milk

1 x tray Ice (Roughly 350g)



  1. Place all ingredients except the ice into the TM bowl and blitz for 20 seconds on speed 9 until coconut milk is blitzed.
  2. Add the ice and blitz again roughly 30 seconds on speed 9.
  3. Serve into cocktail martini glasses.
  4. Serves roughly 8 glasses.



This is not too strong a cocktail. You can add extra midori and or vodka to the mix. Or serve into taller glasses.

I am making these again tonight and just realised I have run out of coconut milk so i am freezing up the pineapple juice and will leave out the coconut milk. Will let you know how it goes!

What is your favourite cocktail??? 


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